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Nov 02 3:47 PM

The background

Kiverco designs and engineers recycling plants for their clients in the waste processing sector. The international nature of their business means that they need to be consistently agile and available.

Kiverco partnered with C3 to help them to achieve responsiveness by upgrading their email server and to make a number of other IT enhancements. These included new email and collaboration platforms, centralised chat and secure cloud storage to share files. Lastly, Kiverco’s system needed to be available 24/7 with virtually zero downtime.

C3 surveyed Kiverco’s existing infrastructure and designed a solution to meet and exceed their requirements.

Meeting the challenge

The on-site email server was seamlessly migrated to Microsoft’s Office 365 platform before setting up a OneDrive for each employee enabling their files to be easily accessed across a range of devices and shared with external organisations.

We fortified this flexible, expansive environment with new spam protection and, to enhance security further, we added Two-Factor Authentication to protect against unauthorised access to Office 365. These actions secure Kiverco’s data and form critical components of the company’s GDPR measures, a legal compliance for all businesses.

Our next step was to install Exclaimer, a cloud-based signature management platform for consistent brand control. We also provided in-house training so that the company can make the most of Exclaimer’s rich suite of facilities. C3 completed all works on time, and business operations were not affected throughout the process.

C3’s Solutions at a glance

  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft 2FA
  • Proofpoint Spam protection
  • Exclaimer cloud-based email signature
  • Files all accessible remotely across multiple devices
  • Fortinet Firewall
  • Webroot Endpoint Protection

The result

Speed, function and security – the results of Kiverco’s upgrade were impressive and all achieved with no data loss or disruption to business operations.

By adopting our recommendations, Kiverco management saved themselves the expense associated with maintaining an in-house server, and their secured email platform now supports business growth. Staff productivity has been boosted by their ability to safely access emails and files across PCs, laptops, mobiles, tablets and web browsers. Plus, all of their web and email-based activities are now protected by our robust 3-layer Security Solution.

Kiverco’s entire system is fully managed by C3. Our service ensures that their business continuity is always protected. Should any issues arise (which would be unlikely given that C3 is Kiverco's partner of choice!) we’ll always be on hand to help.

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We help businesses save time and money by identifying problem areas and unnecessary expenditure, ensuring that your IT systems are more efficient, secure and increase productivity, supporting your business success.